Roblox music codes are unique IDs assigned to specific audio tracks that can be played in Roblox games. They let developers add background music or sound effects to make gameplay better. Find music codes by searching for tracks in our catalog.
All Audio
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
Machine Gun (PIRATECRAYONZ TOOK) 0:05Creator: @OhFlashy Tags: Sound Effect Fusillade Scrape Machine Gun Gunshot GunfirePIRATECRAYONZ TOOK
Birds Chirping 0:10
Boo laugh 0:01
Touhou Death Sound 0:01Creator: @Nyarakel Tags: Silence Sound Effect Squeal SqueakThe sound of all of the magic escaping your body when you collide with a bullet/laser/icicle/missile/etc
Flickering Fire 0:02Creator: @Planet3arth Tags: Sound Effect Smash Crash Eruption Shatter Burst Pop Breaking Crackused to play if you have a campfire, or a lit torch, or something around those lines.
Missile 0:03
Gun Cocking 0:01Creator: @clonerichy Tags: Sound Effect Crunch Camera Single-lens Reflex Camera Scrape Crack Cap GunGun Cocking Audio. If you took please favorite! ---------------------------------->
bass 0:01Creator: @BIack_Magic Tags: Silence Bang Ding Sound Effect Ding-dong Didgeridoo Double Bass CelloAudio
Simplex 4100U Fast Whoop 0:08
System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance (moneyLAB took) 0:08Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Buzzer Bicycle Bell AlarmAudio
Bomb Fuse 0:11Creator: @Polyhex Tags: Silence Snort Snake HissFrom New Super Mario Bros Wii, also heard in various Zelda games (most notably, Ocarina of Time).
STARGATE - SGC ALARM! 0:13Creator: @ORI2626 Tags: Sound Effect Fire Alarm Car Alarm Buzzer Squeak Alarm Clock AlarmI've been getting many requests for this and here it is. The SGC ALARM!
Tardis Emergency Landing 0:14Creator: @InceptionTime Tags: Hum Throbbing Scary Music Echo Sound Effect Rumble Explosion ScrapeChange Pitch to 0.735
Vss Vintorez [Free] 0:00
Car Start 1.1 0:02Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Silence Sound Effect Whir Squeal Scrape Rustle Heavy Engine (Low Frequency) Clatter Car Engine Medium Engine (Mid Frequency) Engine Starting Idling Accelerating Revving Vroom VehicleImproved quality and volume.
Car Idle 1.1 0:02Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Silence Field Recording Rumble Whir Rustle Flap Heavy Engine (Low Frequency) Clatter Motor Vehicle (Road) Car Engine Medium Engine (Mid Frequency) Engine Knocking Idling Vibration Accelerating Revving Vroom VehicleImproved quality, looping, and volume.
Car Stop 1.1 0:01Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Silence Sound Effect Coin (Dropping) Door Whir Scrape Sliding Door ClatterImproved quality and volume.
Click 0:00
Deny 0:01
mac-10 0:01Creator: @nettimato Tags: Silence Bang Sound Effect Burst Pop Artillery Fire FirecrackerMAC-10 firing sound from counter-strike: global offensife
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