Roblox music codes are unique IDs assigned to specific audio tracks that can be played in Roblox games. They let developers add background music or sound effects to make gameplay better. Find music codes by searching for tracks in our catalog.
All Audio
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
switch.wav 0:00
SWITCH3.wav 0:00
swoosh.wav 0:00
victory.wav 0:01
First User-Created Sound 0:01Creator: @Seranok Tags: Chirp Tone Sound Effect Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Sine Wave Dial Tone Beep BleepUnfortunately it was censored by the filter.
We got to have... money.. 0:04Creator: @NowDoTheHarlemShake Tags: Silence Scary Music Sound Effect Grunt Oink Groan Speech Burping Eructation SnoringYay
TellKeyWhatHappened 0:03Creator: @Keyrut Tags: Silence Field Recording Motorboat Speedboat Air Conditioning Flap Car Passing By Boat Water VehicleAudio
Day Humming Forest 0:13Creator: @Astreastela Tags: Silence Cricket Chirp Tweet Insect Fly Housefly Environmental Noise Caw CrowAudio
Night Time Sound *Free* 0:14Creator: @mkargus Tags: Silence Cricket Mosquito Insect Fly Housefly Bee Wasp Etc. Environmental NoiseIt was used for my games.
Super Mario 64 - Correct Solution 0:04Creator: @IggyTheBonker Tags: Jingle (Music) Ding Jingle Tinkle Sound Effect Ding-dong Ringtone Glockenspiel Clock Tick Doorbell Ice Cream Truck Ice Cream Van Tick-tock Alarm ClockTEH SOLUTION IS CORRECT
MP3Thompson 2 0:00Creator: @shaylan007 Tags: Silence Ding Finger Snapping Tick Chink Clink Single-lens Reflex Camera Ping Plop BitingAudio
Wind Waker: Bomb Explode 0:02Creator: @Polyhex Tags: Silence Bang Burst Pop Artillery FireFrom the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. Sound of a bomb's explosion.
Dixie Car Horn 0:03Creator: @Zuppi Tags: Foghorn Vehicle Horn Car Horn Honking Air Horn Truck HornUsed for films like Duke of Hazard, etc.
NASCAR2003: Max Engine 0:15Creator: @GeorgeOfAIITrades Tags: Race Car Auto Racing Whir Heavy Engine (Low Frequency) Car Passing By Clatter Medium Engine (Mid Frequency) Accelerating Revving Vroom MotorcycleNASCAR Noises by GeorgeTolsma.
Hi Lo Tone 0:04Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Ding-dong Ringtone Bell Police Car (Siren) Doorbell Ice Cream Truck Ice Cream Van Car Alarm Alarm Clock Siren Alarm Telephone Telephone Bell Ringing Emergency VehicleFor fire alarm voice evacuation panels. Use for weather alerts, and lockdown emergencies. It's also great for nuclear meltdowns, like in the Pinewood Computer Core.
Intermittent Beeping - Stutter 0:05Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Static Silence Sound Effect Ringtone Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Buzzer Alarm Clock Alarm Beep BleepFor fire alarm voice evacuation panels. Use for noob alerts, or nuclear meltdowns/chemical spills.
aw magnum 0:05
Horror sound effect (description!) 0:04Creator: @Zeekerss Tags: Bang Ding Clang Whoosh Swoosh Swish Sound Effect Explosion Burst PopI prefer 0.3 pitch, thats scariest. A startling, hopeless , and overall unnerving noise. But with higher pitch, this could be like, a footstep noise, or a rock falling.
[SBAudio]: Round Intro Sound 0:11Creator: @Starbattle Tags: Silence Soundtrack Music Sonar Scary Music Ding Ding-dongTags: Call Of Duty, COD, Zombie, Hellhound, Starbattle, Black Ops, World At War, WaW, BO1, BO2, Nacht Der Untoten, Zombie Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese.
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