Effects Birds
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
Day Humming Forest 0:13Creator: @Astreastela Tags: Silence Cricket Chirp Tweet Insect Fly Housefly Environmental Noise Caw CrowAudio
Night Time Sound *Free* 0:14Creator: @mkargus Tags: Silence Cricket Mosquito Insect Fly Housefly Bee Wasp Etc. Environmental NoiseIt was used for my games.
[Nature] Forest Sounds (short) 0:14Creator: @Legoman654 Tags: Silence Cricket Mosquito Chirp Tweet Insect Fly Housefly Environmental Noise Outside Rural Or Natural*This sound will be kept open by request. I will just keep it labeled as a (short) version. A longer version can be found below Check out the newest version of this audio here which is higher quality and 2 minutes long: http://www.roblox.com/Nature-Forest-Sounds-item?id=169736440
Forest Ambience (Night) 0:14Creator: @BlueScaled Tags: Silence Cricket Mosquito Chirp Tweet Insect Fly Housefly Bee Wasp Etc. Environmental NoiseForest Ambience, with crickets, birds, and faint wind for great forest effects.
Birds Chirping 0:10
YO MOMA 2 0:50Creator: @Sarthurnax Tags: Silence Cricket Chirp Tweet Groan Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song FartAudio
Disney Parks Entry Whistle 0:04Creator: @SoarinAviator Tags: Silence Sound Effect Ringtone Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Finger Snapping Whistling Whistle Chirp Tweet Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Squeak Bird Wail MoanAudio
All you got to do is wiggle! 0:15Creator: @Triptez Tags: Silence A Capella Chirp Tweet Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Environmental NoiseI know this is most likely going to be quite. But do you know how to fix that? You just wiggle!
Jungle Sounds 1:22Creator: @FarmerJaller Tags: Croak Cricket Chirp Tweet Insect Environmental Noise Trickle Dribble Frog StreamAudio
Calm Wind and birds 0:37Creator: @ZacAttackk Tags: Cricket Chirp Tweet Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Rustling Leaves Bird Environmental Noise Outside Rural Or Naturalfeaturing trees
Turkey Gobble Sound Effect 0:02Creator: @InsanelyLuke Tags: Gobble Chirp Tweet Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song BirdFor all the demon turkeys you need to add voices. :P Free from SoundBible.com... Not mine...
office ambience 1:19Creator: @SuperSanti1337 Tags: Ringtone Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Bird Telephone Telephone Bell Ringing Pigeon Dove Coo Walk FootstepsAudio
CrimsonForce 0:04Creator: @CrimsonForce Tags: Music Silence Jingle (Music) Chirp Tweet Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Squawkcrimson force *caw* Alternate audio here: https://www.roblox.com/library/748712972/CrimsonQuack
Dizzy Sound Effect 0:04Creator: @xXShmegXx Tags: Silence Chirp Tone Chirp Tweet Environmental NoiseCartoon dizzy sound effect, birds chirping.
Microphone Feedback 1 0:02Creator: @zahayon Tags: Silence Jingle Bell Jingle Tinkle Whistle Bell Cricket Bicycle Bell Chirp Tweet Squeal Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Squeak Squawk Bird Flight Flapping WingsCOVER YOUR EARS.
Chirper Sound (Cities Skylines) 0:02Creator: @Lycaon_Pictus Tags: Silence Ding Clang Sound Effect Ding-dong Ringtone Boing Chink Clink DoorbellAudio
Yui - Tired groan 0:02
Undertale - Waterfall Ambient 0:03Creator: @Jukecallaa Tags: Silence Liquid Bird Vocalization Bird Call Bird Song Trickle Dribble Boiling Boat Water Vehicle Pump (Liquid) Rowboat Canoe Kayak Pigeon Dove Coo Gurgling Stream GushAudio
undertale dog bark 0:03
Winter Woods Beek [Ambient] 0:51Creator: @SSWEEEE Tags: Silence Cricket Chirp Tweet Insect Environmental NoiseAmbient recording. “Berg en Dal” woods on a winter-day. An environment of hills and woods. Chaffinch sings her song. At the end the carillon of the village Beek church.
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