Vibes Happy
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
Doing Things Right - 30, Alt 0:32Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Rhythm And Blues Dance Music Disco Electronica Ambient Music Drum Machine Funk Tender Music Soul Music Happy Music New-age Music Harmonic Foghorn Afrobeat Music Of Africa TickTHOUGHTFUL. Tender and reflective pads create a pensive bed for hopeful piano and optimistic string melodies. 30-sec promo, alt version. Duration: 32 seconds Genre: Film Score/Orchestral Library: Spot On Album: Happy Place Album Info: Positive rock, pop, orchestral and electro in the categories of Optimistic, Magical, and Thoughtful. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Making New Memories - 60, Alt 1:02Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Jingle (Music) Jingle Bell Christmas Music Jingle TinkleOPTIMISTIC. Motivational and uplifting Orchestral Pop, with pleasant acoustic guitars, hopeful strings, and a rosy outlook. 60-sec promo, alt version. Duration: 62 seconds Genre: Pop Library: Spot On Album: Happy Place Album Info: Positive rock, pop, orchestral and electro in the categories of Optimistic, Magical, and Thoughtful. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Making New Memories - Alt2, DrumsBass 2:15Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Drum Machine Funk Jingle Bell Jingle Tinkle Percussion Drum Drum Roll Cymbal Hi-hat Drum Kit Snare Drum Rimshot Bass DrumOPTIMISTIC. Motivational and uplifting Orchestral Pop, with pleasant acoustic guitars, hopeful strings, and a rosy outlook. Drums and bass only. Duration: 135 seconds Genre: Pop Library: Spot On Album: Happy Place Album Info: Positive rock, pop, orchestral and electro in the categories of Optimistic, Magical, and Thoughtful. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Making New Memories - Tag 0:13Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Progressive Rock Psychedelic Rock Silence Jingle (Music) Jingle Bell Christmas Music Jingle Tinkle Christian MusicOPTIMISTIC. Motivational and uplifting Orchestral Pop, with pleasant acoustic guitars, hopeful strings, and a rosy outlook. Tag. Duration: 13 seconds Genre: Pop Library: Spot On Album: Happy Place Album Info: Positive rock, pop, orchestral and electro in the categories of Optimistic, Magical, and Thoughtful. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Fine And Friendly - 15, Alt 0:16Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Music Grunge Progressive Rock Rhythm And Blues Theme Music Exciting Music Psychedelic Rock Silence Background Music Video Game Music Jingle (Music) Tender Music Soul Music Swing Music Happy Music RingtoneOPTIMISTIC. Fun and hopeful Synth Pop, featuring bright piano, upbeat synths, and a can-do attitude. 15-sec promo, alt version. Duration: 16 seconds Genre: Pop Library: Spot On Album: Happy Place Album Info: Positive rock, pop, orchestral and electro in the categories of Optimistic, Magical, and Thoughtful. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Troublemakers 60 B 1:02Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Rhythm And Blues Theme Music Exciting Music Silence Electronica Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Tender Music Soul Music Happy MusicRestless, anxious pop strings & electronics for reality TV & game shows. Jittery strings & nervous drums build to powerful climax with confident beats. E Minor Duration: 61 seconds Genre: Pop Library: 2nd Foundation Music Album: Reality TV Strings Album Info: Fun, upbeat underscores with pop string orchestra, pizzicato, percussion & electronics for reality TV, game shows & lifestyle, featuring happy, tense & cheeky moods. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Happy Hour Underscore 1:51Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Silence Background Music Video Game Music Jingle Tinkle Soul Music Swing Music Happy Music Harmonic Ringtone Vibraphone Pizzicato Chink ClinkBreezy, quirky, tongue-in-cheek underscore for reality TV & lifestyle. Delicate, bouncy pizzicato strings & pauses introduce fun, positive percussion & relaxed bass, building with happy vibraphone to light, cheerful end. C Major Duration: 111 seconds Genre: Pop Library: 2nd Foundation Music Album: Reality TV Strings Album Info: Fun, upbeat underscores with pop string orchestra, pizzicato, percussion & electronics for reality TV, game shows & lifestyle, featuring happy, tense & cheeky moods. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Happy Hour 30 B 0:32Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Theme Music Silence Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Jingle (Music) Sonar Tender Music Jingle Tinkle Happy Music Ding-dong Ringtone VibraphoneBreezy, quirky, tongue-in-cheek underscore for reality TV & lifestyle. Delicate, bouncy pizzicato strings with fun, positive percussion, relaxed bass, happy vibraphone & calm cellos to light, cheerful end. C Major Duration: 31 seconds Genre: Pop Library: 2nd Foundation Music Album: Reality TV Strings Album Info: Fun, upbeat underscores with pop string orchestra, pizzicato, percussion & electronics for reality TV, game shows & lifestyle, featuring happy, tense & cheeky moods. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Happy Cat 1:47Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Theme Music Electronica Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Christmas Music Tender Music New-age Music PizzicatoFlowing piano melody with pizz accompaniment, piano, guitar and tambourine. Duration: 107 seconds Genre: Film Score/Orchestral Library: Bruton Album: Pizz & Pieces Album Info: Light and animated pizzicato based pieces made for non-scripted competition formats, lifestyle, DIY/renovations content and other factual entertainment. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Happy Cat 1:01Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Silence Electronica Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Jingle Bell Christmas Music Tender Music New-age Music Electric Piano Electronic Organ PizzicatoFlowing piano melody with pizz accompaniment, piano, guitar and tambourine. Duration: 60 seconds Genre: Film Score/Orchestral Library: Bruton Album: Pizz & Pieces Album Info: Light and animated pizzicato based pieces made for non-scripted competition formats, lifestyle, DIY/renovations content and other factual entertainment. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
Happy Cat 1:47Creator: @APMOfficial Tags: Theme Music Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Tender Music New-age Music Foghorn Violin Fiddle Pizzicato Double Bass Bowed String Instrument CelloInstrumental - Alt Mix Duration: 106 seconds Genre: Film Score/Orchestral Library: Bruton Album: Pizz & Pieces Album Info: Light and animated pizzicato based pieces made for non-scripted competition formats, lifestyle, DIY/renovations content and other factual entertainment. Asset Type: Music Courtesy of APM Music.
SNCKPCK - AGGRESIVELIZARD 0:26Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Music Jingle (Music) Christmas Music Jingle Tinkle Happy Music Ding-dong Salsa Music Music Of Bollywood Music For Children
SNCKPCK - BACKFLIPPIN' DOGE 0:38Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Grunge Rhythm And Blues Exciting Music Dance Music Soundtrack Music Jingle (Music) Independent Music Pop Music Christmas Music Tender Music Blues Happy Music Song Lullaby Music For Children Country
SpiralHero - Mario Kart, but its a Mad Max styled 2:12Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Rhythm And Blues Exciting Music Dance Music Funk Independent Music Christmas Music Soul Music Happy Music Song Hip Hop Music Afrobeat Music Of Bollywood Music Of Africa Reggae
honey.sempai - Wild Flower 0:51Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Music Rhythm And Blues Silence Zing Christmas Music Tender Music Happy Music Music Of Asia Music Of Bollywood Humming Lullaby
at least ur happy (Made on mayk.it) 0:59Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Music Rhythm And Blues Zing Independent Music Christmas Music Tender Music Soul Music Happy Music New-age Music Hip Hop Music Music Of Bollywood Ringtone Humming Lullaby
AY341 - Christmas Cheer / Spreading Happiness w... 0:41Creator: @maykitmusic Tags: Music Static Silence Electronica Drum Machine Hip Hop Music Speech Synthesizer
Generic - Tune 0:51Creator: @Clippsly Tags: Music Theme Music Exciting Music Electronica Background Music Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Sampler Drum Machine Tender Music Synthesizer Happy Music Harmonic Electric Piano
jugsta - rampage (sped up) 1:52Creator: @Clippsly Tags: Music Rhythm And Blues Exciting Music Dance Music Electronica Dubstep Zing Independent Music Pop Music Tender Music Happy Music Hip Hop Music
Tsuko G - Deja Vu (Initial D) 1:59Creator: @DuettiMusic Tags: Exciting Music Drum And Bass Dance Music Disco Electronica Soundtrack Music Video Game Music Techno Dubstep Jingle (Music) Zing Pop Music Happy Music Music Of Asia Song
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