Effects Train
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
Mole Drilling Machine 1 (SFX) 0:19Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Sound Effect Field Recording Aircraft Propeller Airscrew Railroad Car Train Wagon Subway Metro Underground Whir Fixed-wing Aircraft Airplane Air Conditioning Microwave Oven Rail Transport Bus Traffic Noise Roadway Noise ShipMole Drilling Machine, Engine Revs and Surges, Individual Bursts Duration: 18.7 seconds Category: Machines - Heavy Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Motor Wind Up 2 (SFX) 0:15Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Eruption Field Recording Aircraft Propeller Airscrew White Noise Railroad Car Train Wagon Subway Metro Underground Fixed-wing Aircraft Airplane Rail Transport TrainMotor Wind Up, Big Clunky Ignition, Deep Metallic Thunks, Rumbling, Humming, Powering on, Whirring, Airy, Accelerating Duration: 15.3 seconds Category: Motors - Misc Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway 1 (SFX) 0:36Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Timpani Eruption Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Door Sliding Door Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackNew York City Subway, Wall St. Station, Train In and Stop, Brake Squeal, Door Open and Close With Chime, Walla, Air Release, Away Duration: 36.3 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway 1 (SFX) 0:36Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Quack Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Sliding Door Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackNew York City Subway, Vernon-Jackson Station, Train In, Pass By and Stop, Air Release, Door Open and Close, Indistinct Conductor P.A., Away Duration: 36.2 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway 1 (SFX) 0:44Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Door Sliding Door Rail Transport Train Clickety-clack HissNew York City Subway, Vernon-Jackson Station, Train In, Pass By and Stop, Air Release, Door Open and Close, Indistinct Conductor P.A., Away Duration: 44.2 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway Door 1 (SFX) 0:11Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Door Squeak Sliding Door Rail Transport BusNew York City Subway Door, Exterior, Door Open, Enter, Indistinct Conductor P.A., Door Close Interior Duration: 11.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway 2 (SFX) 0:36Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Eruption Railroad Car Train Wagon Subway Metro Underground Door Dental Drill Dentist's Drill Sliding Door Cupboard Open Or Close Rail Transport TrainNew York City Subway, Vernon-Jackson Station, Train In, Pass By and Stop, Air Release, Door Open and Close, Indistinct Conductor P.A., Away Duration: 35.9 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
New York City Subway Door 1 (SFX) 0:08Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Knock Door Air Brake Sliding Door Bus Power Windows Electric Windows Speech Drawer Open Or CloseNew York City Subway Door, Interior, Door Open, Air Release, Indistinct Conductor P.A., Door Close, Ride Away Duration: 8.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 1 (SFX) 0:31Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 31.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 2 (SFX) 0:30Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Sidetone Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 30.3 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 3 (SFX) 0:30Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Sidetone Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Squeak Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 30.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 4 (SFX) 0:41Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Train Horn Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 41.2 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 5 (SFX) 0:33Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Computer Keyboard Typewriter Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 33.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 1 (SFX) 0:34Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 33.6 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 2 (SFX) 0:24Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Eruption Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 24.4 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 3 (SFX) 0:24Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Sonar Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 24.1 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 4 (SFX) 0:27Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 26.8 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Old Chicago L Train Pass Bys 5 (SFX) 0:22Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Sidetone Railroad Car Train Wagon Train Wheels Squealing Subway Metro Underground Rail Transport Train Clickety-clackOld Chicago L Train Pass Bys, Track Clack, Metal Rattle, Brake Squeal, Elevated Duration: 22.0 seconds Category: Trains - Subway Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Police Whistle 3 (SFX) 0:02Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Silence Whistle SqueakPolice Whistle, Exterior, Distant Duration: 1.8 seconds Category: Whistles - Mechanical Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
Police Whistle 6 (SFX) 0:01Creator: @ProSoundEffects Tags: Whistle SqueakPolice Whistle, Exterior Duration: 1.4 seconds Category: Whistles - Mechanical Asset Type: Sound Effect Courtesy of Pro Sound Effects.
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