Effects Alarm
My Audio List
Choose the audio tracks you liked, press the –Add to my audio list button to display them in your "My Audio List." You can also remove audio tracks by clicking the cross button in the my audio list. You can add the entire list of audio tracks to the clipboard using the –Copy my audio list button. This guide demonstrates how to use the audio list feature in Roblox Studio to incorporate background music into a game.
First User-Created Sound 0:01Creator: @Seranok Tags: Chirp Tone Sound Effect Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Sine Wave Dial Tone Beep BleepUnfortunately it was censored by the filter.
Super Mario 64 - Correct Solution 0:04Creator: @IggyTheBonker Tags: Jingle (Music) Ding Jingle Tinkle Sound Effect Ding-dong Ringtone Glockenspiel Clock Tick Doorbell Ice Cream Truck Ice Cream Van Tick-tock Alarm ClockTEH SOLUTION IS CORRECT
Hi Lo Tone 0:04Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Ding-dong Ringtone Bell Police Car (Siren) Doorbell Ice Cream Truck Ice Cream Van Car Alarm Alarm Clock Siren Alarm Telephone Telephone Bell Ringing Emergency VehicleFor fire alarm voice evacuation panels. Use for weather alerts, and lockdown emergencies. It's also great for nuclear meltdowns, like in the Pinewood Computer Core.
Intermittent Beeping - Stutter 0:05Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Static Silence Sound Effect Ringtone Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Buzzer Alarm Clock Alarm Beep BleepFor fire alarm voice evacuation panels. Use for noob alerts, or nuclear meltdowns/chemical spills.
Notifier Slow Whoop 0:04Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Sound Effect Fire Alarm Buzzer Siren AlarmNotifier Style Synthesized Slow Whoop.
Slow Siren 0:06Creator: @Seranok Tags: Fire Alarm Police Car (Siren) Car Alarm Siren Fire Engine Fire Truck (Siren) Ambulance (Siren) Emergency VehicleAudio
Code 3 (Voice Evac) 0:12Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Ding Chirp Tone Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Sine Wave Buzzer Beep Bleep Busy SignalCode 3 Tone
Star Trek TNG Red Alert 0:01Creator: @madscientess Tags: Sound Effect Fire Alarm Doorbell Buzzer Squeak Alarm Clock Siren AlarmAlarm siren from Star Trek: the Next Generation. Great for starfleet ships or other sci-fi uses
car horn 0:01Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Silence Car Alarm Vehicle Horn Car Horn Honking Air Horn Truck Horn Toot Outside Urban Or ManmadeAudio
60 HZ AC Buzzer (ORIGINAL) 0:03Creator: @Esquisse Tags: Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Buzzer**Please credit if using in a model or place One of the original pieces of buzzer audio on Roblox, used in many models and places alike such as: -Mechanical Simplex Horn Pack by ThomasCSX -Simplex IBM 4030 Fire Alarm Set by ultimateaero4 -Pinewood Research Facility by Diddleshot A 60 hz buzzer is a type of signaling device that uses an electromagnet to rapidly vibrate a tab or metal or plastic against a metal acoustic diaphragm, or vibrate a diaphragm against a metal plate. These devices usually project a sound anywhere from 90 dB - 120 dB and can be used to produce varying signal codes using a switch device. The basic AC horn, as we commonly know today, first came about around 1915 as the Benjamin Electric MFG Co. 8355A, a horn designed to be used in factories to cut through industrial ambience better than other signals. Soon after, these horns became increasingly popular in the first automated fire alarm systems, and saw service between the 1920s and late 1960s.
Looping Alarm 0:01Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Ding Sound Effect Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Police Car (Siren) Car Alarm Buzzer Alarm Clock Siren AlarmWhen things go really wrong..
Klaxon Alarm 0:01Creator: @Zephyred Tags: Silence Ding Clang Sound Effect Foghorn Buzzer Vehicle Horn Car Horn Honking Train Horn Air Horn Truck Horn Toot
Truck Backing Up Beep1 0:05
Dial-up Internet (not full length) 0:03Creator: @Searchlites Tags: Silence Cacophony Sonar Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Whistle Beep BleepSKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the reason this isnt full length is because i uploaded this when audios had to be really short l0l
Hykeham Alarm 0:04Creator: @RealFabe Tags: Ringtone Fire Alarm Police Car (Siren) Ice Cream Truck Ice Cream Van Car Alarm Buzzer Alarm Clock Siren Alarm Ambulance (Siren)Audio
Beep! 0:00
ALARM SOUND 0:08Creator: @Piggylingz Tags: Sound Effect Fire Alarm Car Alarm Buzzer Alarm Vehicle Horn Car Horn Honking Steam WhistleAlarm!
Simplex 4100U Fast Whoop 0:08
System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance (moneyLAB took) 0:08Creator: @FireAlarmTech199 Tags: Smoke Detector Smoke Alarm Fire Alarm Buzzer Bicycle Bell AlarmAudio
STARGATE - SGC ALARM! 0:13Creator: @ORI2626 Tags: Sound Effect Fire Alarm Car Alarm Buzzer Squeak Alarm Clock AlarmI've been getting many requests for this and here it is. The SGC ALARM!
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