Blackbeard's Company
@Blackbeard's CompanyHow Group Rankings work:
"Boatswain" and above are exclusive to my Alts or whoever helps me with the group's work
The positions "Officer" and below are based on the number of pieces of clothing in our group (it doesn't matter if the shirt and pants are not the same set):
New Pirates: 0
Pirates: 0
Veteran Pirate = 2
Musketman = 6
Elite Pirate = 10
Seaman = 14
Petty Officer Pirate = 18
Officer = 22
Note: I know it's pretty outdated, but since the group has grown a lot, it's become practically impossible to check the inventory of everyone who joins the group and adjust them correctly, I intend to fix this over time, but for those who care and would like to To update your ranking, please ask on the group wall (obviously you need to have your inventory set to "everyone" during the process)
New clothes coming, check it out:
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Half Void Demon Monster (White) Shirt Buy Clothing
Samurai (Shogun) Pants Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (Red) Shirt Buy Clothing
Samurai (Shogun) Shirt Buy Clothing
Samurai (Shogun) Shirt w/ Gloves Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (Red) Pants Buy Clothing
Monkey D. Luffy (After Time Skip) Pants Buy Clothing
(Robot) Blue Neon Power Armor Shirt Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (Blue - Azure Fire) Shirt Buy Clothing
Purple Void Pants Buy Clothing
(Robot) Neon Red Power Armor Shirt Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (White) Pants Buy Clothing
(Robot) Blue Neon Power Armor Pants Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (Blue Fire) Pants Buy Clothing
(Robot) Neon Red Power Armor Pants Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (White) Pants Buy Clothing
Red Void Pants Buy Clothing
Void Demon Monster (White) Shirt Buy Clothing
(Robot) Blue Neon Power Armor Shirt Buy Clothing
Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece - Wano) Pants Buy Clothing
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