A Cat in a Sock
By AerialsAbove
Asset ID11587728454
Today, 9/12/24 dear sweet Cleu passed away at 16 years of age, a old and happy man. He was an amazing cat and companion, loved to ride on the back of motorcycles big and small, had a a deafening loud meow, and the father to many younger little Cleus who are all adopted and raised in happy families too. Rest well Cleu, we'll miss you.
~ A cat in a sock! He is a real cat named Cleu. He has never been put in a sock and the texture is of him standing up begging for treats with a sock texture in the background. He is totally fine and totally obsessed with socks in real life, you can't hide your socks from him.
This is a meme item - search for cats in socks. They usually fall asleep in them! Like a little sleeping bag.
This item is low-res on purpose for that meme grade quality.
Cleu is in a sock, he is @nokomls pet. Modeled and textured by @Hexxblox. This is a meme item for the fun of it, please enjoy! Uploaded with their permission.
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